Thursday, September 28, 2017

Green Eggs and Ham!!!

In Room 10, we read Mason's book 'Green Eggs and Ham' by Dr. Seuss.
Just like the book, we also tried some green eggs and ham!
Even though it didn't look nice, we all gave it a try and we loved it!!

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Number line race - Room 10

In Maths, we were learning to count forwards or backwards from a random number. Today we all joined in for some number line races. Each team was given a whiteboard with ten boxes. The teacher writes the starting number and each child from each team had to write the next number running to the end. 
It was great to see the children carefully counting forwards or backwards to figure out a number, checking each others work and helping their team if they were stuck. 

Creating a street of H house - Room 10

Our focus letter sound this week was the letter H and we made H houses. We were developing our scissors skills and fine motor control as we cut and create. The classroom was a hum of busy, happy children and it was great to see everyone so engaged!

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Room 10 and Room 13's visit to Kelston Early Childhood Centre

Room 10's visit to Kelston Early Childhood Centre

As part of our learning, we were learning how to make a pamphlet. Room 10 made a pamphlet about our awesome school to give to the children at the early childhood centre. 
Special well done to Mason, Lennox, Hayley, Brooklyn and Justin for sharing their group's pamphlet to the children :)