Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Verb writing

The Juniors have been looking at verbs (doing/action words) and how we can use them in our writing. 

We have been trying to use 'Powerful' verbs to make our writing interesting and exciting.

Here are some of our stories. Can you find the verbs?


Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Cupcake sale day

The juniors had a cupcake sale day on Thursday. We had to work out what our Teacher had spent on the ingredients (expenses) and work out how much profit we made. 

To Market To Market

Our Topic this term is To Market To Market 

We have been learning about what a market is. 
This term we are having a school market day where each class is going to make something to sell at the market.

All the classes had a go at using a technology design process to solve our problem this week.

"I have cereal and Milk...how will I eat it"
"The teachers need something to eat but be able to hold in one hand on duty"
"I have all these ingredients...what can I make?"
"How can I make a healthy sandwich?"

We all had fun creating our different ideas.